shop policies
ThriftVIP® is exclusive to UK customers only (excluding Ireland). This is to keep our carbon footprint as low as possible. See our SUSTAINABILTY page to view our packaging considerations.
All items are priced inclusive of delivery charges, postage and packaging costs.
Items will be sent either First or Second class signed for, up to the value of £50, and for higher priced items, Special Delivery will be used. Please make sure you are available to sign for your goods, or else make alternative arrangements.
I am looking into using Click and Collect services in the near future. Currently, Royal Mail will be used.
This is not fast fashion, so please be patient. We endeavour to get your purchase to you as soon as possible, however to save resources, and as a small company, items will be sent out within 3-5 working days. Please allow up to 10 working days for delivery.
You must be 18 years of age or over to purchase from the site or to subscribe.
Customers MUST PAY to return any items purchased, unless the item is faulty on arrival.
If you are eligible for a refund due to a fault, this will include return postage.
The same postage method must be used for all returns, for insurance purposes.
In case of any returns, you will need to CONTACT US FIRST and we will instruct you on the next steps to take and which code to assign.
This is at our discretion.
See the example Returns Card below, which is included with every purchase:
ABOVE: An example of our returns card you will receive with your order. Please read this as it explains our returns policy further. Please also note that by credit note, we mean that we may choose to offer a partial refund and a discount code for your next purchase.
Please note: it is really important that when making your purchase you take every step to ensure the item will be the right fit. I have done my best to describe items as fully as possible in terms of sizing, and the models size, and fit in an effort to avoid returns and any disappointment on your behalf.
Whilst I understand that this is an ongoing problem within fashion, it is also up to you to make a carefully considered decision, and to measure yourself for items such as belts. I have done my best to assist you with this within the descriptions, as I know how frustrating this can be. Feel free to ask questions via the contact form as I want you to be happy with your purchase. I am happy to send further images for certain items too, for serious individuals. Please also refer to the items CONDITION CODE for further information too.
We encourage considered purchases to assist with longevity in the product lifecycle. Each item is fitted with a security tag to complement fair fashion consumption and use. This must still be attached for any returns made. This is not fast fashion and I want to discourage the buying of garments to be purchased for one use, then returned. There’s another service for this, one which I’d like to offer in future where pieces can be rented. Until then, please be fair.
PLEASE NOTE: Designer pieces are subject to price changes over time. This is due to the fluctuating nature of such pieces, sold on the open market, and especially relates to those items such as vintage designer pieces. Please check back to see the current price of such items, which sit in line with current market prices.
Thank you for taking the time to read our shop policies prior to purchasing, it’s here to help us all and to satisfy our needs. Let’s work together to make slow fashion the norm and find new ways of shopping for fashion online.
You are now ready to go ahead and tick that box on the check out form.
Any questions? Problems with your purchase?
Use the contact button below: