The Power of The Aesthetic... Why Villanelle is the Perfect Customer for ThriftVIP
Aside from the killing, Villanelle feels like ThriftVIP’s perfect archetype. Not only does she fall into our eclectic aesthetic, she does so with such unforgiving finesse, that we simply cannot ignore it.
“To Stylish to Ignore”
I just binge-watched series 1 and 2 of Killing Eve in just over a week. I was gripped, and engaged from start to finish and there’s not been much on TV that has gripped me like this for so long. Why? Because it’s just too damn stylish to ignore.
Obviously it is Villanelle’s psychopathic tendencies which make her character so fascinating, and without the killing perhaps she wouldn’t be so interesting, but on a level it satisfies our own fascination, feeding the primal side of our personalities, and the intrigue of the unknown. Her charm seems so inoffensive and appealing on one level, yet her character on another level is sinister and unfeeling.
I originally avoided it as I try to steer away from brutal violence and gore on screen, but the temptation was too much, and the urge, irresistible.
Much like my adoration for films such as Kill Bill and other Quentin Tarantino cult classics as well as a few Martin Scorsese films, this works as a series so well. In the same way as in film, we’re a part of the journey, and it feels more sophisticated than your usual BBC drama.
The clothes in each series are entwined into the narrative in a way that excites us, as Villanelle creates her very own enclothed-cognition, giving a motive for each scene. This adds to our interest, injecting further drama and ceremony to the end of life scenes for each unfortunate soul.
Intrigued as we often are, by the fascination of the macabre, much like Eve and Villanelle, we delve into the human psyche and the darker side of the mind with Killing Eve, and this appeals to many of us. It’s dry humour befitting of the style.
After reading this Vogue article, I realised I just had to bite the bullet (ha) and join the obsession, or else miss out on some seriously stylish action.
The writing and whole production, pace and timing was absolutely spot on for me, and it’s so refreshing to see more drama brought to us by the BBC (America).
Based on the Villanelle novel series by Luke Jennings, each of the show's seasons features a different female showrunner: Phoebe Waller-Bridge was head writer of season one, while Emerald Fennell took over for season two. Suzanne Heathcote is set to assume the role for season three….. yes, Villanelle will be back.
If you enjoyed Fleabag, another of my late-to-join-the-party series then you’re sure to love this series too, but on a whole new level.
Now all we have to do is sit and wait until we can shop directly from the outfits screened in each series, technology which has already started to happen.
(Maybe you’ll be able to lounge about the house in those pyjamas sooner than you think).
TV and films are a massive part of our culture. In all its savagery and beauty, Killing Eve keeps us hooked. The mystery of the unknown within aspects of our most intimate relationships prevails. Whether through social media, YouTube videos or books, we are powered by the desire to be more informed, more understood and more authentic in how we communicate; and we are all intrigued to know how such primal urges can ever be justified when we hear about atrocities, knife-crime and murder, which makes up part of our day-to day lives, absorbed through these multi-media channels.
It’s been a while since I indulged in any psychological TV drama and this series has opened up many new discussions and future conversations, including upping my game when it comes to dressing up, or down. To do it with purpose, imagination and sometimes just because I damn well feel like it.
wadrobe arsenal
“make your own rules”
One of our mottos from the phase one site that we’re carrying over is about encouraging individual expression through style-with-purpose: make your own rules.
When it comes to fashion, we're not dictated to by trends, rather inspired by them.
Thrift Lovers know their unique personal style. They know what they like and go out and get it, without having to trawl through pages of irrelevant ‘stuff.’
Enjoying some samples…If like me, part of an outfit often includes a scent, then why not give Kamila Aubre’s perfumes a whirl. Eclectic choices to stir the soul. Click the image for more. Read all about Kamila’s ‘Villanelle’ perfume in the next blog.
Escapism at its finest involves the intricacies of the olfactory senses, for me. Pure evocation. Which one will evoke your senses today?
“I want to push forward that Villanelle’s eclectic, she plays by her own rules and she puts her personality in what she wears.
Putting things together that don’t necessarily match, but work because she takes ownership of it.”
ThriftVIP® is for individuals looking to enhance that individuality.
Our philosophy at ThriftVIP® is about embracing our differences and sourcing more of what you ask us for, with some wild cards thrown in for good measure. That will all come over time. When we launch our Thrift Lovers Club with the Unique Profiling Concept, we can begin to source on your behalf.
To start with, we’ve listened to the kind of pieces you’d like, such as tops, jackets and blazers to go with jeans, statement investment jackets, and tops, vintage dresses and everyday style, as well as some special occasion wear. Eventually we’ll be including fancy dress and burlesque style, with some trinkets too in a homeware section..… we all need goals, right.
Villanelle captures our attention and imagination, she takes us to a place we visit infrequently because society dictates a moral code (thank goodness); but this goes on everyday in our world, yet we rarely see it.
Strangely and worryingly enough, she captivates us.
Villanelle encapsulates all of the nuances of our ideal customer: individuality, statement making, eclectic style, attention seeking, loves to dress-up and play, gets bored easily if not stimulated, constantly mixing up styles by experimenting with her own… to maximum effect, whether that is subtle or stunningly obvious. To her, fashion = making statements.
Just leave the weapons at home.